The pre-school runs from a large room based in the local scout hut, offering a safe and secure environment, where children between the ages of 2-4 years interact together participating in a variety of fun learning activities. We have a small team of dedicated staff. Each child is allocated a Key Person to help them throughout their time at the setting. We are Ofsted registered and follow the EYFS where children of all ages play and learn together.
We have an outdoor area which is half grassed/half slabbed to include outdoor mud kitchen, sand and water play, an area for riding bikes, and a separate area for slides sea-saws and a climbing frame.
We follow a curriculum which focuses on areas of learning the children need to be confident in to help to prepare them for the challenges ahead
Daily Routine
We start our day by greeting the children and taking the register. This includes counting the number of children, talking about the day of the week and the weather. Children then take their names to their individual baskets. They then take part in a morning Warm Up routine to help wake them up. This is followed by a mix of free play, adult lead activities and child initiated activities. This includes messy play, mark making, role play, construction, fine motor skills and using their imagination. Breakfast is also served during this time and consists of following our healthy eating policy choosing from a selection of Cereals and milk, fruit, yogurt, wholemeal toast or raisins. Circle time allows the children the opportunity to participate in a variety of group talks, games involving turn taking and the chance to enhance their vocabulary. Physical play follows with a selection of indoor and outdoor activities including dancing and the use of equipment. Before Physical play the children come together for Playdough disco/soft balls which are used to help improve their finger muscles ready to hold a pencil effectively. Story time then gives the children the chance to relax and work on their listening skills as they participate in an interactive story time. Throughout all of our sessions we also use Makaton sign language, teaching the children to sign words such as Please, Thank you, Sorry, lunchtime words, basic colours and nursery rhymes, extending this as they become more confident. During our sessions we also have access to the local Community Garden where we have our own Vegetable Patch. This is a 5 minute walk from the setting and also has a pond, bee hive and a range of fruit and veg for the children to see. We like to take walks in the local community visiting the town, parks and church. To keep the children safe during this we wear florescent orange hi-viz jackets and the children walk connected to a walk-o-dile where they are strapped together with a walking buddy in two's within a group of 6. For younger children we have a 4 seater all weather pushchair.